Online clinical research training

Drug Development And Digital Technologies

Drug Development And Digital Technologies

With extreme pressure on the clinical industry to reduce costs while exhibiting greater value, the Indian pharmaceutical industry needs to optimize drug development and delivery models, driven by data and new-age technology; and this can only be done by improving R&D efficiency. But, to do so, there is a need…

How To Improve Health Outcomes In India?

How To Improve Health Outcomes In India?

Just providing improved access to healthcare is not enough to bring about better outcomes; it is essential to invest in primary care with the objective of improving both access and quality of care. The Union Government has strengthened efforts to focus on health programs that can provide good health care…

Why Are Clinical Trials Required?

Why Are Clinical Trials Required?

Clinical research and trials are important to find out about new medications and treatments that can help treat new types of ailments and help patients live better. Without clinical research, new medications and treatments cannot be found. And, without clinical trials, the effectiveness and safety of the new medications/treatments cannot…
