Diploma in clinical research Bangalore

How To Stay Protected Against The Sun?

How To Stay Protected Against The Sun?

It’s hot and it’s humid; and we all want to stay indoors during this time. But, not all of us are lucky for this one. There are many who have to keep working outdoors to earn a living. And, working outdoors means lots of sun exposure! Sun exposure means not…

Should You Participate In A Clinical Trial?

Should You Participate In A Clinical Trial?

Each and every advancement in the medical field  is the outcome of a rigorous clinical trial. A clinical trial is considered as the gold standard of research and this makes the medication, medical device and procedures more acceptable. Thus, clinical trials are the heart of all kinds of medical developments….

CTMS – The Latest Clinical Research Technology

CTMS – The Latest Clinical Research Technology

While doing research in the clinical field is important, equally important is managing the research. With more and more protocols to be taken on, managing the protocols can be a significant challenge. The first step to combat this challenge is to implement systems that provide complete visibility into your research…

Why And How Should You Learn Clinical Research?

Why And How Should You Learn Clinical Research?

The scope of clinical research in India is gradually rising over the past few years, and is expected to create huge opportunities by 2020. Many organizations have shifted their clinical research units to India as our country offers the most cost-efficient opportunities for conducting clinical trials. It is true that…

The Past And Present Of Clinical Research

The Past And Present Of Clinical Research

A nations growth does not only depend upon the agricultural, industrial, and economical arenas. It also depends upon the way it performs in human development indices. One of the most important segments in this arena is clinical research, which is the study of ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses….

Does India Have A Bright Clinical Research Future?

Does India Have A Bright Clinical Research Future?

The few years after 2013 saw a drop in clinical research being done in India, on account of regulatory uncertainty, judicial and social activism, and media sensationalism. This made the clinical research fraternity disturbed and concerned. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare then took steps to address the challenges…
