Diploma in clinical research Bangalore

Clinical Trial Monitoring – The Duties

Clinical Trial Monitoring – The Duties

Clinical Trial Monitoring is a very responsibility-filled duty that is performed to ensure that the rights, well-being, and safety of the clinical trial subjects are protected, and that the data coming out of a clinical trial is realistic and accurate. The monitoring is conducted by a sponsor representative, one like…

Can Liver Drug UDCA Slow Down Parkinson’s Progression?

Can Liver Drug UDCA Slow Down Parkinson’s Progression?

Scientists in London are testing the effectiveness of a drug that is currently used to treat ailments of the liver, to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease. After testing around 2000 drugs, researchers identified ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) as the most promising drug to treat mitochondrial function in Parkinson’s disease….

Why Do Supercentenarians Live So Long?

Why Do Supercentenarians Live So Long?

Supercentenarians are very rare and very precious individuals who live above 100 years of age, typically those who have reached 110 years of age. But, what makes them live so long, longer than the general 75-85 years of age of majority of the population? Do they have something special in…


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