Should You Participate In A Clinical Trial?


Each and every advancement in the medical field  is the outcome of a rigorous clinical trial. A clinical trial is considered as the gold standard of research and this makes the medication, medical device and procedures more acceptable. Thus, clinical trials are the heart of all kinds of medical developments. But, how are these clinical trials performed?  Volunteers play an important part alongside the researchers in the trial.

Volunteers are needed to help test the safety and efficacy of a new development drug or treatment, which can help learn more about detecting, treating, and preventing medical conditions. But, why would participants want to volunteer? And, why should they? Won’t they be at risk if the medication, device, or treatment is not as safe as expected? What if the test goes all wrong? All these questions may wander in your mind.

If given an opportunity to volunteer take time to evaluate and take into consideration the pros and cons and then take a decision. Take a look at the advantages  of participating in a trial. Volunteers can avail free medical care from healthcare professionals. Also, no insurance is required. Thus, there is nothing to worry about in general because you will always be under the supervision of medical professionals, thus significantly reducing the risks involved.

  • Participants can get an insight into their health condition which they wouldn’t have been aware of. This awareness can help them make better decisions about their medical condition..


  • Participants will be the first to get benefit from the new treatment modality. This may also bring personal satisfaction to help you feel good about doing something good for others who are suffering from pain that you have also been experiencing.


  • In most instances the volunteers receive reimbursement for travel and the time spent until they are linked with the trial activities. If there is an untoward incident during the trial the volunteer’s nominee will be paid the compensation. With all of the above, participants can receive utmost care, mental satisfaction, physical treatment, and good compensation when they participate in a clinical trial. Thus, volunteering has its own advantages. And, you will be helping the medical community learn more about potential treatments to detect, prevent, and treat numerous medical conditions and diseases.


It could be confusing while deciding on participating in a trial . However the risks of participation are informed alongside the benefits which gives more clarity on the decision making.. The volunteer can exit from the trial at any point of time and no reasons will be asked.

If you do not want to be a volunteer for a trial but still want to help , you can team up with the healthcare professionals in finding better treatments. But for this, you will have to enroll with a reputed institution like Avigna Clinical Research Institute to take up valid and legitimate online clinical research courses in Bangalore.


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