
Will The World Achieve SDGs? India Will Tell!

Will The World Achieve SDGs? India Will Tell!

India has found immense success in fighting life-threatening diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, lymphatic filariasis, and more. With such success, the country is all set to play a vital role in determining whether new drugs, vaccines, and other prevention tools can be deployed effectively and affordably to eliminate all such diseases…

Drug Development And Digital Technologies

Drug Development And Digital Technologies

With extreme pressure on the clinical industry to reduce costs while exhibiting greater value, the Indian pharmaceutical industry needs to optimize drug development and delivery models, driven by data and new-age technology; and this can only be done by improving R&D efficiency. But, to do so, there is a need…

Understanding The Drug Development Process

Understanding The Drug Development Process

The drug development process is a long, expensive, and failure-prone process that requires cutting-edge skills. It takes around 8-12 years on an average for a new drug to be developed, going through a course of rigorous trials, which if cleared can be approved for human use. Only as many as…


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