Dear Students,
ACRI is your shortcut to success! We promise to improve your chances at employability and ensure rapid career growth for you.
Become a winner almost overnight! Our courseware includes training in both technical skill sets and in communication skills. For first time job-seekers, we handhold you through every process: resume building, interview coaching and introduction to your potential employers. For those looking for a change in profession, we again guide you through the changeover process and plan your career for you.
Dear Parents,
ACRI ensures that your ward grows as an individual. Apart from imparting technical knowledge and grooming them and giving them a career plan, our friendly staff supports them in every way: finding a place to stay, guiding them around the city and even helping them with booking tickets for travel. Our placement division makes sure that interested parents get to know about the ACRI plan for their child’s growth.
ACRI creates a value add for every degree. Our PGDCRCDM course is approved by the Mysore University. Graduates and Post Graduates and even PhDs have trained with us and got enviable positions in the Clinical Research Industry. ACRI supplements University training with Industry based training, coupled with hands-on internships and projects based on real case studies. The ACRI brand gives the individual the confidence and expertise to join the ever-growing workforce both in the country and abroad.
Anuradha Ramachandran
Co-founder & President