How Are Poor Sleep And Poor Nutrition Associated?


Diet plays a huge role to determine a person’s health; we all know that. But, do you know that diet can also impact sleep quality? Yes, it’s true! Research has indicated that just one day of eating food low in fiber, but high in unhealthy saturated fat and sugar, can reduce the duration of sleep; thus affecting the physical and mental energy of a person. While poor sleep has been linked to poor nutrition, it is yet unclear why the two may be linked together, which is why research is being done on that aspect too.

It is a general rule that adults must sleep for more than seven hours every night to maintain their health. It has been found that people who sleep less than seven hours a day may lack adequate levels of vital nutrients. This is because they generally consume fewer nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, niacin, and more.

Another research has been done determining that a greater number of nutrients have been associated with poor sleep in women than in men. However, this number can be reduced if women take dietary supplements. In fact, any individual with short sleep duration may benefit from improving their intake of nutrients through diet and supplements. As a matter of fact, nutrients, other than affecting sleep quality, also play a role in sleep disorders and trouble falling asleep.

Micronutrients are important for our health; they are those vitamins and minerals that our bodies require, but aren’t produced naturally by the body. As a result, they must be added in our diet. Generally, billions of people suffer from one or the other micronutrient deficiency, which is why nutrients are added into their diet as supplements. Any deficiency of such micronutrients results in disruption of normal bodily functions, which may or may not lead to development of diseases or other problems. So, if you want to eliminate the risk of such sleep disorders and other potential body functioning problems, you must focus on the intake of proper micronutrients for your body. Supplementing with artificial additions to your diet can help fill the nutritional gap in your diet. There have been a number of studies that have demonstrated important roles for micronutrietns in growth, development, disease prevention, healing, sleep, and normal bodily functions. For example, magnesium helps the body produce melatonin, which helps with sleep; and zinc plays a role in sleep regulation.

Whether chronic short sleep causes nutrient deficiency, or nutrient deficiency causes short sleep, is yet to be determined. Whatever it is, the fact is that both sleep and nutrients are interrelated, which is why you must have a good diet full of minerals and vitamins.

Such research and many others are possible with the help and involvement of clinical research professionals across the country and the globe. Join the confederation and take up professional clinical research diploma courses in Bangalore from a reputed institute like Avigna Clinical Research Institute to help your countrymen find all sorts of discoveries and innovations related to health, make your country a better and healthier place to live in.

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